“Only once,” says Peggy. “Today. Oh, it was all perfectly respectable. But when we were saying goodbye, he… he took me in his arms and kissed me and… and I knew.”
“You think a kiss from a smooth operator like Fred means anything?” says Al.
“You don’t know him,” says Peggy. “You don’t know anything about what’s inside him. Neither does she. His wife. That’s probably what she thought – ‘a smooth operator with money in his pockets.’ But now he isn’t smooth any longer, and she’s lost interest.”
“Whereas you’re possessed of all the wisdom of the ages!” shouts Al. “You can see into the secret recesses of his innermost soul!”
“I can see because I love him,” replies Peggy.
“So you’re gonna break this marriage up,” says Al. “Have you decided how? Are you gonna do it with an axe?”
“It’s none of your business how I’m going to do it!” says Peggy. ” You’ve forgotten what it’s like to be – “